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I played D1 ice hockey in college and have been manipulated by many people, in many professions prior to manipulating my own patients. A wide variety of techniques are discussed in-depth throughout this course, with focus on providing safe and effective clinical manipulative treatment for a wide variety of patients.

How to treat high-level athletic impairments, SIJ dysfunction, LBP and other impairments with manipulative techniques is covered throughout the course.

Often-times, in order to provide effective, pain-free HVLA treatment, other manipulative techniques, such as soft tissue manipulation and grades 1-4 must be employed prior. These techniques are also covered throughout this course as an aid and adjunct to the grade 5 techniques you will learn.

How to utilize Dry Needling in conjunction with manipulative therapy is also covered in-depth throughout this course.

Students will learn the skills required to perform safe and effective lumbopelvic manipulative techniques to properly selected patients.

Significant time will be spent on safety, biomechanics, and neurovascular anatomy & physiology. This course centers on hands-on, practical experience with partners.

Additionally, this course will include history taking, informed consent, set up procedures, relative and absolute contraindications, efficacy, physiology, global and local forces generated during manipulation, controversy regarding the utilization of manipulation, arterial dissection, and evidence based research.

Following the course, each student receives access to both instructors via cell phone or email and are encouraged to contact us at any time with clinical questions or concerns.

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